What are Sabja Seed and How beneficial are they for you?

December 30, 2022
sabja seeds


Sabba or basil seeds are frequently used as seasonings. They impart a unique flavour to food. But did you know that Sabja seeds, also known as falooda seeds, have a tonne of health benefits in addition to being great for seasoning or sprouting new basil plants? These tiny black seeds, which resemble black sesame seeds, are comparable in nutritional value to chia and flax seeds. They are removed from Sweet Basil.

Nutritional Value of Sabja Seed

Sabja seeds are very nourishing and have immune-supporting properties. They contain few calories and are mostly made up of healthy fats (25%) and carbohydrates (42%). They contain a lot of fibre and are a fantastic source of Omega-3 fatty acids. They are also a good source of folates, vitamin C, and minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, and copper. They are therefore appropriately called “wonder seeds.”

Nutritional Advice for Basil Seeds

        Basil constituentsAmount
                  Fats2.5 g
          Omega-3 fatty acids1.240 g
          Carbohydrates7 g
                Protein2 g
              Calcium15% of daily intake
                Iron10% of daily intake
          Magnesium10% of daily intake
  Also contains flavonoids and polyphenols

The Health Benefits Of Sabja Seeds

  1. Natural Body Coolant:

Drinks made with sabja seeds are a great way to beat the summer heat. The benefits of sabja seeds for regulating body temperature and soothing the stomach are well known. Numerous drinks, such as milkshakes, smoothies, yoghurt, coconut water, coconut milk, and lemonades, can be enhanced by the addition of these seeds.

  1. Reduces Blood Sugar Level

Research indicates that sabja seeds have a potent anti-diabetic effect. Sabja seeds are rich in fibre. Sabja seeds were frequently administered to diabetic patients just prior to meals, preventing the blood glucose spike. Therefore, it was found that sabja seeds could help maintain blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes.

  1. Good For Diabetes Management

Diabetes patients must choose their food very carefully in order to keep their blood sugar levels stable. Saba seeds have been found to have anti-diabetes properties. Studies show that those who consume Sabja seeds before a meal do not experience an increase in blood sugar afterward. Sabja seeds help manage diabetes by ensuring that blood sugar levels remain stable after meals.

  1. Relieves Constipation And Acidity

Soluble fibre is abundant in saba seeds. These seeds absorb water when added to our diet along with a significant amount of water, which aids in drawing water to our gut. This promotes regular bowel movements by softening faeces. Constipation sufferers find a great deal of relief by including sabja in their daily diet.

One of the many soluble fibres present in sabja seeds is pectin. Pectin has been shown to have prebiotic benefits. As a result, it is essential for controlling the metabolism and makeup of the intricate gut microbiota, which increases the population of good bacteria there.

This both helps to relieve acidity and significantly reduces it.

  1. Useful In Weight Loss

The high amount of soluble dietary fibre in sabja seeds helps one feel satisfied and full. They also regulate our bowel movements, which helps our bodies eliminate toxins.

The soluble fermentable fibre pectin aids in decreasing calorie intake and adiposity while increasing satiety when on a high-fat diet. Additionally, it fosters a fermentation environment that is more likely to promote hindgut health.

Consequently, reducing calories aids in weight loss.

  1. Aids In Weight Loss

Both soluble fibre and protein are found in saba seeds. Both of these nutrients spend a lot of time in your digestive system. This suggests that after consuming Sabja seeds, you won’t feel hungry for a while. There are no cravings for bad snacks when there is no appetite. You can either maintain or lose weight by doing this.

  1. Regularizes Bowel Movement

The ability to have regular bowel movements is also facilitated by high-fibre foods. Constipation occurs when the large intestine is forced to suck water out of the faeces because you didn’t drink enough water. However, soluble fibres draw water to the large intestines when you eat fibre and drink a lot of water, which softens the stool.

High-fiber foods are especially advised for those with heart conditions because straining while boweling puts pressure on the heart.

  1. A Powerhouse of Minerals

Saba seeds contain large amounts of iron, calcium, and magnesium.

Muscles and bones need calcium and magnesium to function at their best. Iron is necessary to maintain healthy levels of haemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen in the blood.

In the event of a deficiency, sabja seeds are the best source to raise calcium and iron levels.

  1. May Prevent Risk of Heart Diseases

One tablespoon of saba seeds typically has 2.5 grammes of fat in it. Alpha-linolenic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid, accounts for about half of this fat, or 1,240 mg per tablespoon (ALA).

Among other things, omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial for lipids, blood pressure, heart and vascular function, eicosanoids, coagulation, and immune responses. They reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, hypertension, and stroke as well as their side effects by doing this.

  1. Has Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Carcinogenic Properties

Flavonoids and polyphenols, two plant chemicals that are abundant in sabja seeds. The largest class of phytonutrients, flavonoids are renowned for their capacity to modulate the activity of vital cellular enzymes as well as their anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic, and anti-carcinogenic properties.

Your risk of developing cancer and heart disease may be reduced by eating a diet rich in flavonoids.

  1. Oral Health Benefits

Saba seeds have been shown to have antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. They support the management of oral ulcers. They can be used to make the mouth feel fresh. These seeds also help with the treatment of plaque, cavities, and other dental issues like bad breath.

  1. May Reduce Cholestrol Level

Pectin, a type of soluble fibre found in sabja seeds, may help lower blood cholesterol levels. It prevents the absorption of cholesterol by the gut.

  1. Reduce Anxiety and Stress

Sabba seeds are calming to the body and the mind. As a result, we feel less stress, tension, and anxiety, which makes us happier.

Sabja seeds are rich in terpenoids, tannins, and flavonoids. Memory-improving effects of their antioxidant activity have been shown to help some people.

Other Uses

  • Healthy for Hair

Saba seeds are rich in protein. This protein encourages thicker, fuller, and healthier hair growth while reducing hair loss. Dandruff can also be treated with sabja seed hair oil. Massage your scalp with an oil and sabja seed powder mixture for healthy, beautiful hair.

  • Benefits for the Skin

Sabja seeds naturally detoxify and cleanse our internal systems. This keeps our skin looking flawless and stops any kind of breakouts.

The sabja seed’s antibacterial and antifungal properties protect us from skin infections. They are additionally used to treat eczema and psoriasis. Sabja seeds are also rich in vitamins and minerals, which give our skin a natural glow.

How to Consume Sabja Seed?

2 teaspoons of Sabja seeds should be soaked for 15 minutes in a cup of warm water. Each black seed swells as they grow, and a translucent grey film coating forms around it.

These seeds can now be added to a wide range of beverages, including buttermilk, smoothies, lemonade, milkshakes, coconut water, soups, and so on. For a nice crunchy flavour, you can also add them to salads, pasta, and ice cream.

You shouldn’t eat more than 2 teaspoons of sabja seeds per day.


  • Children could suffocate on the seeds if they are not sufficiently swollen in water before administration.
  • Because sabja seeds tend to raise oestrogen levels in the body, pregnant women should only consume them under the supervision of a healthcare professional.
  • Blood clotting can be slowed down by sabja seed oil and extracts. It is therefore not suggested that you consume it if you have recently had surgery or are injured.
  • You must stop using sabja seeds at least two weeks prior to any scheduled surgeries.

Side Effects 

  • Sabja seeds may give some people stomachaches, headaches, nausea, acne, acid reflux, diarrhoea, vomiting, and appetite loss.
  • Sabja seeds may occasionally cause low blood sugar.


Sabja seeds could very well qualify as a “superfood.” You can enhance your health in numerous ways with the aid of these tiny seeds. Get some Sabja seeds for yourself now, please!