Today Fact Finder: Brihadeeshwara Temple in Thanjavur

November 23, 2023
thanjavur temple 1

The Brihadeeshwara Temple in Thanjavur is a marvel of ancient Indian architecture with many fascinating aspects:

  1. The temple is known to not cast a shadow on the ground at noon during any time of the year, a testament to the architectural genius of its builders​​.
  2. Remarkably, no binding agents like cement or soil were used in its construction. The structure stands through the interlocking of stones​​.
  3. The vibrant paintings within the temple are made using natural colors derived from flowers, spices, and leaves​​.
  4. This temple has several names, each reflecting different aspects of its grandeur and history​​.
  5. Its longevity, standing strong for over a thousand years, is attributed to its foundation filled with sand and built on a moving raft to absorb seismic shocks​​.
  6. During the Maratha rule, it served a dual purpose as a temple and a fort, with slots in its walls that could hold cannons​​.
  7. The temple walls are adorned with carvings depicting “81 postures of Bharatnatyam”, the lingam inside is one of the largest in India, and it has a dome made of granite weighing 80 tons, among other unique features​​.

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