Snake Plant: Guide For Growing And For Caring Them

January 26, 2023
snake plant


One of the most common and resilient houseplants is Dracaena trifasciata, also referred to as the snake plant. It was categorized as Sansevieria trifasciata botanically up until 2017, but there were far too many similarities between it and Dracaena species to ignore. The plant can grow from six inches to eight feet tall and has stiff, sword-like leaves. Although the color of snake plants can vary, many have leaves with green bands and frequently have a yellow border. These plants are simple to grow and frequently nearly unbreakable. They will flourish in areas of the house that are almost dark or in very bright light. In indoor lighting, snake plants typically grow slowly, but adding more light will speed up growth if the plant gets a few hours of direct sunlight. The best time to plant and repot is in the spring.

Care for Snake Plants

For novice gardeners, a snake plant is an excellent choice because it is tough to kill. It looks great in containers and thrives on the ground or in window boxes. In warm climates, snake plants flourish while they struggle in the cold. Although resistant to drought, this plant can become overwatered, which can cause root rot. 2 A plant should be watered if the soil feels dry. These plants can go for two months in the winter without being watered. Water is less frequent than every two weeks during the summer.


Snake plants thrive in indirect, consistent light with some direct sunlight. They can adapt to total sun exposure and can endure low light conditions.


Snake plant potting soil prefers a loose, well-drained soil mix. Sandier soils are ideal for growing this plant. Use a potting medium with little peat in it. Peat is helpful in various applications, but it can get compacted and occasionally has drainage or rehydration issues. A good option is an all-purpose cactus potting soil.


Water your plants sparingly; overwatering can be bad for the plant. Reduce watering in the winter to once a month or whenever the ground feels dry to the touch. In between waterings, allow the soil to dry.

Temperature and Humidity

Snake plants will suffer if exposed to temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit because they prefer warm surroundings. Place the plant in an area that will shield it from drafts. It is ideal if the temperature is between 70 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. This plant will die from frost.


During the growing season, feed your cacti with a mild cactus fertilizer, a balanced liquid slow-release 10-10-10 fertilizer, or also a 20-20-20 fertilizer diluted to half strength. Winter is not the time to fertilize.

Maintenance hints for snake plants:

The snake plant, frequently considered nearly indestructible, would survive as long as it was placed in indirect sunlight and received twice-weekly waterings. To avoid damaging them, let them dry out in between watering cycles. Your snake plant could get all the nutrition from a homemade fertilizer.

Other advice for maintaining your snake plant:

  • The snake plant can die from too much water. All succulents share this trait. Prick the ground with a tiny wooden stick two inches deep. Wait before watering if the soil is stuck to the post.
  • The snake plant’s leaves gather dust. Clean them often by wiping them.
  • Annual division of snake plants is required, ideally in the spring.
  • Although they are generally immune to bacterial attacks, excessive watering can make their roots more vulnerable. Removing the dead leaves can encourage a plant to dry out more than usual. Repotting the plant’s healthy parts can save it if that does not work.
  • During the winter, avoid fertilizing snake plants.


The growing season, typically spring or summer is the best time to prune. Although pruning can stress a plant, it is best to do it when it is actively growing. You can prune during the off-season. Remove the tallest leaves to keep your snake plant from growing too tall. To promote new growth, trim off damaged or mature leaves at the soil line using sterile pruning shears, scissors, or a sharp knife. Remove any damaged leaves as well. New leaf growth is stimulated by leaf removal.

Propagating Snake Plant

It is best to propagate plants actively growing in the spring or summer. If the plant is also at least four inches tall, dracaena plants can be divided easily during repotting. Alternately, fresh shoots that have just emerged from the ground can be potted independently. Snake plants can also be multiplied through cuttings. For both approaches, adhere to these directions.

Propagate via root division:

  • Assemble a clean pot, a sharp knife, and potting soil for cacti.
  • Place the plant on a flat surface after removing the root ball from the previous container. Brush the soil from the rhizome or root structure using your hand.
  • Divide the plant into sections using a sharp knife, carefully preserving each section’s roots. The plant will survive being cut through.
  • The new snake plant sections should be replanted in a clean pot with cactus potting soil.
  • Please put it in some water and some partial sun.

Propagate new offshoots:

  • You should separate and plant any new pups or young offshoots that the plant has produced.
  • Like with root division, you’ll need a clean pot, cactus potting soil, and a sharp knife.
  • Remove the root ball from the pot, find the pup’s root, cut it off, and plant the pup’s cut end in the cactus potting soil.
  • Water it and put it somewhere with bright indirect light.

Leaf-cutting propagation:

  • Cut a long, healthy leaf from your snake plant using sterilized scissors, a sharp knife, or pruning shears.
  • Submerge the cut end of the leaf-cutting in a clean water container to begin the rooting process. Place it somewhere with some shade and watch for root development.
  • Top off the water to keep it level every few days. To prevent the growth of bacteria or algae, replace the old water every two weeks and replace it with fresh water.
  • Plant the root end in a well-draining cactus potting mix once the roots have grown at least an inch long.
  • Water it and put it in a spot that gets some sunlight.

You can choose not to use the water rooting technique. To pot a healthy leaf from your plant, place it cut-end down in the cactus potting mix after letting the cut-end callus over for 24 hours. It might take two months to see any new growth because this plant grows slowly.

How to Grow a Snake Plant From Seed 

How to Grow a Snake Plant From Seed  Snake plant seeds typically have low germination rates. Before a seedling appears, it may take three to six weeks.

Fill a three-inch pot with a seed starting mix or well-draining cactus potting mix to start plants from seeds. The seeds should be sprinkled over the starting mixture. Put the pot in a cozy, sunny location. To maintain warmth and humidity, wrap the jar in plastic wrap or a clear plastic dome. Remove the plastic covering as you see seedling development. Throughout germination, keep the soil moist but not soggy or wet. When the seedling is three to four inches tall, it will be time to report it.

Potting and Repotting Snake Plant

Choose a strong pot material when potting because weak pots can easily crack and break strong roots. Although Dracaena typically grow slowly and don’t require much repotting, they might increase and need repotting or dividing if given enough sunlight. Spring is the ideal season to repot these plants. Always use new potting soil, a cactus potting mix, or a combination of the two when repotting.


A tropical plant known as the snake plant is susceptible to frost damage in the winter and can perish in temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Before the temperature drops that low, bring the plant indoors. Maintain the soil on the drier side and keep the snake plant in a warm, draft-free area. You will need to water the plant about every six weeks during the winter. Snake plants stop growing and go into dormancy in the winter.

Common Pests

Many common houseplant pests are attracted to snake plants, including scales, gnats, spider mites, aphids, mealybugs, and whiteflies.

3 Maintaining your plant’s health will help you prevent an insect invasion. When a plant experiences environmental problems like inadequate water levels, humidity, and air circulation, insects frequently attack the plant. If you see insects on your plant, you can pick them off, lightly spray them with water, or use organic neem oil to repel them.

How to Get Snake Plant to Bloom

Snake plants produce tubular, creamy-white flowers that resemble lilies. Every year, when its requirements for water, sun, and humidity are met, it blooms. However, these plants hardly ever flower when kept inside all year. The plant emerges from dormancy and accelerates its growth due to the change in seasons, specifically the arrival of spring. Like other dracaena species, it blooms at night and has fragrant flowers. These flowers don’t require deadheading because they fall off on their own.

Common Snake Plant Issues

Common Snake Plant Issues whether you have a green thumb, snake plants are one of the easiest plants to care for, propagate, and keep for years. The primary health issues with snake plants are related to watering. Plant diseases like fungus infections and root rot are brought on by overwatering. 

Foul-smelling Soil

It probably has root rot if the soil smells like it’s rotting.Put some dirt up to your nose after scooping it out. Root rot has a foul odor. You can attempt to save the plant, but you must first look at the roots to see if the root system was successfully preserved. Exit the container with the root ball in it. Cut off any leaves or seeds that are mushy or brown. Repot a portion of a sound root rhizome in new cactus or potting soil with good drainage. Rhizomes should be thrown away if you can’t save them. Leaf cuttings can be used to grow new snake plants.

Brown or Yellow Leaves

Green leaves with some silver or yellow streaks indicate a healthy snake plant. There are a number of conditions that yellow or brown leaves can signify, such as overwatering, pests, and root rot. Root rot is brought on by overwatering, which stresses the plant and makes it more vulnerable to problems. If you appropriately manage the plant’s water level, you can fix these issues.

Curling Leaves

Curled leaves can be a symptom of the common pest infestation known as thrips.

These little black bugs are simple to get rid of. 5 Look closely at the leaves of your plant using a magnifying glass. Eventually, new leaves will emerge. To keep pests at bay, remove severely curled leaves and spray the plant with neem oil or vegetable soap.

Leaves Falling Over or Drooping

Healthy snake plant leaves develop upward and stand upright, but excessive water, poor lighting, or poor potting soil can cause the leaves to droop or flop. Relocate the plant to a more sunny spot, water it less frequently, and, if necessary, switch the soil to one with better drainage. A well-draining potting mix is required for the ground to become soggy, which harms the foliage.

Various snake plants

  1. Dracaena trifasciata ‘Hahnii’, also known as the bird’s nest snake plant, only reaches a height of six inches. Its leaf clumps resemble a bird’s nest.
  1. Formerly known as Sansevieria cylindrical, Dracaena angiotensin: The round, stiff leaves of this snake plant’s cylindrical form can grow several feet long. Outward arcing from a central crown are the leaves.
  1. Dracaena trifasciata ‘Laurentii’ has leaf margins that are a creamy yellow color. This plant cannot be multiplied by leaf cuttings; it needs to be divided.
  1. Dracaena trifasciata ‘Twisted Sister‘ is a plant with twisted leaves with yellow edges and horizontal stripes. It gets to a height of about 15 inches.
  1. Dracaena trifasciata ‘Bantel’s Sensation’: This snake plant has narrow leaves with white vertical stripes and reaches a height of about three feet.
  1. Dracaena pearsonii: This plant, also known as rhino grass, is about 12 inches tall and has succulent leaves with a reddish tint.