How much EMI do you have to pay for Rs 1 crore home loan?

October 22, 2022
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Everyone wants a place they can call their own, free from the annoyances of rented spaces that are someone else’s property. Ever since the advent of the industrial age, the cost of real estate has been exorbitant. However, acquiring a home loan is one way a person can consider owning their personal property. However, things are not as straightforward as they first appear.

The decision to take out a home loan should only be made after carefully comparing the costs because it has many more fees that could harm your budget.

A mortgage, commonly referred to as a home or housing loan, is a sum of money that a borrower obtains, typically from banks and other financial institutions. Contingent on the lender’s stipulations, the client must reimburse the debt load principal and interest over a period that can span from ten to thirty years in Easy Monthly Installments, or EMIs.

What is EMI?

A predetermined payment is paid by a borrower to a creditor at a specified date each month, known as an equated monthly installment or, better yet, EMI. The loan is repaid over a predetermined time by monthly mortgage payments to the interest and principal debt. In most prominent debt kinds, such as liens on property investment, automobile mortgages, and college loans, the customer reimburses the debt over time via set monthly repayments to the lender.

How to Choose the Perfect Home Loan for Yourself?

All fees might not be disclosed outset by financial institutions. We ought to inquire with them about the overall charges incurred by the loan, considering expenses can have many labels, such as service charges, legal and administrative fees, seal paper prices, GST, etc. Certain creditors agree to eliminate these expenses but investigate to see if the bank additionally does so. Furthermore, banking institutions mandate property owners’ coverage, so ensure to account for that charge in your estimates.

It will be puzzling to examine these expenses because they differ from bank to bank, and a better course of action is to reduce these levies from the sum of your mortgage and estimate the actual amount. Consider, for argument, that you are taking out a home mortgage for 75,00,000 INR with a 25-year payback tenure and 35,000 INR in transaction fees. The EMI, measured at 8.2% interest, comes to 51,250 INR. This is akin to taking out a gross debt of 74,65,000 INR since you must deposit 35,000 INR in advance. Therefore, you are generating an EMI repayment of 51,250 INR for a gross amount borrowed of 74,65,000 INR, with the interest expense equating to 8.5% approximately.

What are the Factors that Affect EMI?

Your monthly mortgage payment is based on several variables. The top five things that will impact your home loan EMI are as follows:

Interest Rate

One of the biggest influences on house loan EMIs is the variation in interest rates. Your home loan EMI could be impacted by a fluctuating interest rate favorably or negatively.

Duration of Loan

The amount of the EMI is determined by the loan’s duration. The corresponding monthly installment can be affected by even a tiny change in the tenure (EMI).

Down Payment

You will pay a specific sum for a particular apartment or house’s valuation. Your loan amount will lessen as you put down more money, translating into a lower EMI. Conventional norms call for a 20% down payment, although if you can afford to shell out more advance, your monthly bills will be reduced.


Many businesses impose a fine for prepayment. Nevertheless, it lowers the balance that is still owed, which lessens the interest and EMI.

A Shift in Lending Party

You can have a more generous EMI amount if you swap your credit to a cheaper plan. By switching the debt, the outstanding amount proceeds to the new lending institution, and the subsequent EMI cycle commences. This is so that clients of home loans can determine the most economical home mortgage deal considering rates of interest among banks differ. There would also be expenses involved with the shift and a defined official process.

Income Tax Benefits of EMI on Home Loans

The Income Tax Act does not permit a deduction for principal or interest if the property is not constructed or is currently being developed.

  • If the residence is self-occupied, Section 24’s provisions allow a deduction for interests on a home mortgage up to Rs 1,50,000 per year. A maximum deduction of Rs 30,000, and only within the stated sum of Rs 1,50,000, is allowed if an individual has obtained a debt to renovate a property.
  • If the taxpayer rents out the home, all involvement of the amount—is eligible for deduction under Section 24 from income from residential property. The “Income from House Property” loss can also be offset against other payments if the interest expenses exceed the gross rental.
  • The value of the EMI related to the main installment for acquiring the property is authorized under Section 80C regulations up to a maximum of 1,000,000 INR altogether. This is to purchase a home through the DDA, another housing board, or a housing authority.
  • A reduction for loan repayment of up to 1,000,000 INR is granted under Section 80C (2) (xviii). Only loans from the Central Government, a State Government, a bank, the LIC, the NHB, a public service corporation that offers housing loans, a cooperative society that provides mortgage loans, or where the contractor is an authoritative figure, a committee, a corporate entity, or another statutory authority, in addition to public companies and private sector organizations, are good enough to qualify for deductions for the disbursement of the loan amount for a home loan by the claimant.

How to Calculate EMI Amount?

If you complete the conditions set forth by the specific lender, you will be offered the loan amount needed to purchase or build your new house at an alluring home loan interest rate.

The Formula for EMI Calculation

Loan Calculation Formula The formula for EMI is

EMI = [P x R x (1+R)N]/[(1+R)N-1]

Specifically, E is Equated Monthly Installment, P stands for the principal or loan amount, r for the monthly interest rate (calculated by dividing the yearly interest rate by 12), and n for the number of monthly payments or the loan’s duration in months.

How Much EMI for a Home Loan of 1 Crore?

Most financial institutions and mortgage finance businesses offer home loans to employed and self-employed borrowers with 30-year repayment terms for up to Rs. 1 crore. Depending on the borrowers’ credit ratings, credit sums, and various other data, these loans have varied interest rates. Using home mortgage EMI calculators, you may accurately identify your monthly mortgage bill.

Various Tenure Periods

Home loans of 1 crore are available for 5 to 30 years.

The breakup of EMI according to the Tenure Period

Tenure durationAmount
5 years2,00,379 INR
10 years1,18,702 INR
15 years92,701 INR
20 years80,559 INR
30 years69,921 INR

Eligibility for Home Loan of 1 Crore

  • Lenders frequently approve home loan applications presented by borrowers at least 18 years old. Most financial institutions mandate that homeowners repay their mortgages in full by age 70. Homeowners may opt for a longer loan term or include contributing family members as co-borrowers to boost overall creditworthiness for a home loan.
  • Having a good credit score history is a must for all financing institutions willing to provide you with a loan of up to 1 crore. One crore is a hefty sum, and they are only willing to give this small amount with an assurance that the borrower can return it and is trustworthy. The stronger the credit score, the easier one will get a home loan.

Documents Required for Home Loan of One Crore

  • Completed and signed a home loan application.
  • The applicant’s most recent passport-size photos.
  • Documents for identity proof.
  • Documents for address proof.
  • Age verification documents.
  • Bank statements for the previous six months.
  • Check for processing fees.
  • Income Tax Form 16
  • A three-year Profit & Loss Statement and Balance Sheet that a CA has approved for self-employed individuals

What is a Home Loan EMI Calculator?

The borrower typically pays back a house loan in Equated Monthly Installments, or EMIs, because it is a hefty monetary amount. You may precisely determine the EMIs (principal plus interest) you must pay every month to settle your home mortgage with the support of an online EMI calculator. You can get assistance from a helpful tool like the home loan EMI calculator.

Benefits of Online Home Loan Calculator

The use of an EMI calculator has many advantages. This practical internet tool aids in precisely planning your mortgage.

  • This issue can be resolved since a house loan EMI calculator consistently produces the correct answer, which solves the problem.
  • The findings of a house loan calculator for EMI are automatically displayed in seconds.
  • Using an EMI calculator for a house loan can prevent future financial issues. Considering your housing loan EMI in advance allows you to manage your spending and borrow the appropriate amount more effectively.
  • It is a practical and straightforward approach to evaluating the interest rates that various lenders provide on their mortgage loans.
  • The EMI calculator for home loans is relatively user-friendly.

How to use an Online Home Loan EMI Calculator?

Once you have all three parameters available, you can insert the principal amount, home loan interest rates, and duration of the loan amount into the appropriate boxes on the home mortgage EMI estimator. Furthermore, depending on the kind of calculator provided on your bank’s website, you could utilize the knobs to tweak the values. The calculator will promptly indicate the home mortgage EMI cost when you have supplied the three variables.

What are the Benefits of Timely EMI Home Loan Payments?

By making on-time EMI payments, you lessen your loan burden and put yourself in a better position to later access more advantageous and affordable loan options.

Improves Credit Score

Your credit history, which will improve if you make EMI payments on time, significantly impacts your interest and loan size. Your creditworthiness is built when you settle your EMI promptly, formulating new credit easier to obtain.

No to Penalty

If you frequently delay EMI payments, your creditor is constitutionally empowered to take custody of your acquired things. Additionally, they have the authority to impose substantial penalties on loans, typically determined as a proportion of the total EMI.

Additional Loan Availability

Beyond the initial amount borrowed, you are welcome to take out some other loans. If you make all your EMI payments on time and have a good credit history, you can get a new loan to top your current loan.

Cost-Effective Loan Options

Borrowers with a timely repayment history are more likely to be approved for loans by lenders. It won’t be shocking if borrowers with a stellar record of on-time payments receive loans at favorable rates for lengthy terms. Better loan options are available with rising interest rates.

How to Pay Your EMI on Time?

Payment of each EMI installment is substantial not only for you to keep your new property to yourself but also to gain the trust of the lenders so that future loans are readily available to you.

Make a Financial Strategy

EMI will strain your monthly budget, so you must reduce wasteful spending. You must try cutting down on using credit cards and halt all unnecessary spending because doing so will result in paying inflated interest rates and increasing your debt load.

Make Most of your Spending Obligations

You can utilize your life insurance policy as security to obtain a loan from a financial institution. After making your third installment payment, PPF enables clients to mortgage against the remaining outstanding balance, but you must repay the borrowed funds in full within three years. Additionally, you can sell your investments to pay off debt.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What is EMI?

An equated monthly installment, or EMI, is a fixed payment made by a borrower to a creditor on a specific date each month.

  1. What is the optimum tenure for a home loan?

There is no optimum period for all. It all depends on individuals and how much credit they can repay in a certain amount of time.

  1. How much does a housing loan for Rs 1 crore cost per month?

The length and interest rate of a one crore house loan determine the EMI. For instance, you would pay Rs. 1 lakh if you took out a one crore house loan with a yearly interest rate of 7.50 percent. Your EMI for a term of 30 years would be Rs 69,291.

  1. Is a good credit score vital when applying for a home loan?

Without a doubt. If you don’t have a good credit score, financial institutions might not provide you with a loan.

  1. Is a Home loan estimator a good way of calculating your EMI?

Yes, it is highly accurate and will tell you your EMI expenses at the speed of light.