Flyberry Gourmet Jumbo Brazil Nuts, 100g | 100% Natural | Imported from Bolivia| Rich in Iron| Best for Cholesterol

About this item
Flyberry’s brazil nuts are smooth, scrumptious and super crunchy with a distinct addictive nutty flavor. Non-GMO, raw, unsalted and deshelled for your convenience. Vegan-friendly! Higher levels of selenium have also been linked better outcomes for cancer, infections, infertility, pregnancy, heart disease, and mood disorders.
Brazil nuts contain one of the highest serving levels of the essential mineral – selenium, with just one nut containing 96 mcg, or 175% of the rdi. Dietary intake of selenium (se) plays an important role as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent due to its antioxidant properties. It is essential for your thyroid regulation, positively influences your immune system, cell growth.
Brazil nuts are also loaded with important minerals like iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, zinc, folate and vitamins c, in short they are a powerhouse of vitamins, nutrients and good fats. Harvested from the rain forests of bolivia and brought to India in reefer shipments to maintain optimum freshness.