Benefits of having a modular kitchen in our house

September 28, 2022


India is such a place that can bring you the ultimate delicate dishes whenever you are at your lunch or dinner. It also implies how many of us is a real foodies. Especially if the food is homemade, there is no doubt that we can not control ourselves to make our taste bud tickle. We all have also experienced that whenever we get together, only one place is never left untouched in our kitchen. Right? Because every time we get together, homemade food plays an important role. 

As the kitchen is the laboratory of all those delicacies, it is the most important place for all, and each family pays particular care to the kitchen in the home. When these all come into our minds, we must think about how to make kitchen appliances easy to use, how to clean them quickly, and much more. Here, a modular kitchen plays an important role. If you are thinking about why we are so sure about that, here in this article, you will get to know some real reasons that justify our thoughts. 

So we should start now; otherwise, your next special dish will be delayed from getting into your tummy. 

Benefits of having a modular kitchen in everyone’s house

A modular kitchen is the only thing that makes the most of a kitchen area with all kinds of modern technology and a vibrant appearance. Also, it brings together all essential kitchen elements in one place with a customized design. Interior designers use a wholesome combination of various types of shelves, cabinets, drawers, sinks, dishwashers, etc. All of these types come in many styles and colors, and you can choose from many finishes. You need to pick up the right choice for your food laboratory. 

But why is it essential to have an ergonomically designed and thoughtfully planned modular kitchen in any kitchen?

Well, here are our points about that.

  • Space management

A modular kitchen implies a modern touch where every nook and corner is used. When you choose a modular kitchen, you are trying to maximize functionalities and all storage areas seamlessly. Every corner is organized with every possible solution to your kitchen. All those innovative accessories will help you stimulate a hassle-free cooking experience in the kitchen. Unarguably, there will be efficiency in every corner of your kitchen.

  • Ergonomically designed 

Every modular kitchen design is planned by professional designers who can understand your kitchen needs and requirements. When professional interior designers do your modular kitchen, you will get your counter at the most optimal height. Also, the work triangle rule will be there with perfection. In case you do not know, the work triangle rule is the rule for the sink, refrigerator, and hob. Everything will be positioned optimally. Every accessory will come in the perfect size. In simple words, the theory of ergonomics is used to create the optimal kitchen design just for you. 

  • Functional storage units

Any modular kitchen you want to choose for your home will come with beautifully designed accessories that are efficiently functional. Those convenient accessories are magic corners for tough-to-reach corners, pull-out dish racks, rotating utensil storage, dishwasher, bottle dispenser, and whatnot. Every appliance will be neatly tucked with each other so that when you have no use for them, you can keep them covered. We can assure you one thing when you understand all the possibilities that a modular kitchen will offer you, you will fall for a designed modular kitchen as your only option for the kitchen. 

  • Cost-effective installation

When it comes to installing modular kitchen appliances, the first thing that comes to mind is the higher cost. But let us clear one thing: modular kitchen parts are mass-produced in terms of installation. Also, they are pretty economical. All aspects of a modular kitchen are prefabricated. So it takes less time to be installed on-site. Sometimes within one week, you can enter your new kitchen. The whole mounting process takes less labor too. So the overall cost is less comparatively. 

  • Easy maintenance

Anything needs maintenance, only the type of maintenance differs from each other. In the case of a modular kitchen, every part is accessible to you. Almost every piece is virtually collapsible. So, it will be easier for you to clean whenever you want. Sometimes you can remove the whole part. It makes sure that you can thoroughly clean every aspect. The entire process makes maintenance more accessible than in a traditional kitchen. 

  • Next level customization as per requirement

From modern touch to a vintage theme, you can customize your kitchen. It is easy to choose or pick every part of your modular kitchen so that it can fulfill your space constraints and desire for design. Every aspect of the modular kitchen is available in many colors, textures, designs, materials, etc. This can offer a fit for your kitchen design that will be easy to use. 

  • Remodeling and flexibility

As the modular kitchen is highly functional, this kitchen allows you to change its shape and aesthetic at any time. You can design your kitchen with a completely new look. You must change all cabinets, cupboards, tiles, pull-off trays, etc. So, modular kitchens are the perfect example of flexibility and adaptability, making you move with time. 

  • Easy to repair

As we said earlier, it is easy to maintain at any point. Usually, problems do not come even after a long run. But if by any chance there is any needed repairing, it is easy to be done. You can consider that repairing your kitchen will be effortless. 

  • Aesthetically pleasing designs

If you think your functional space will not be pleasing, then you are not with helpful information. We have already gone through the pleasure a nicely decorated kitchen can provide. Modular kitchen parts give you thousands of options for materials, textures, colors, styles, etc. You can pick up your favorite design to always reflect your visual aesthetic. With the modern touch of aesthetically pleasing designs, you can convert your kitchen into the center of attraction of your entire house. 

  • A consistent level of quality and durability

Almost all modular kitchen appliances are designed in factories, and high-quality elements are used everywhere. Also, significant parts are designed by qualified and trustworthy brands. So it is true that you do not need to worry about replacing parts again and again. Another thing you should know is that the core materials used for modular kitchens are too durable. Those materials are also resistant to termites, borers, etc. Those materials will not even bend over a long time. So you can use any part of the modular kitchen that is tension-free. 

How long does your modular kitchen last?

Any modular kitchen is built so that all units last for a long time. All units are made from durable materials. These materials will not wrap out even if they are exposed to higher temperatures. Also, all materials are resistant to termites, water damage, and other damage. 

You need to take care of your modular kitchen service provider. Make sure you have hired a professional and experienced one who is trustworthy too. Be sure you have been provided with the best materials for every part of the modular kitchen. When the quality and durability are assured, the longevity of your modular kitchen can be longer.

How much can it cost to have a modular kitchen with all kinds of features?

The cost of a modular kitchen depends entirely on what you choose, which features are provided, which materials are used, etc. It can also depend on aesthetic style. If you want a vintage theme, it can cost more in some cases. 

Almost all modular kitchen service providers offer many options that suit different budgets. You need to put your preferences. Before getting the price list, list your demands from your modular kitchen. The whole cost will be decided then. 

Is there any warranty provided with the modular kitchen?

Usually, a standard warranty is provided to customers whenever the modular kitchen service is provided. The guarantee may depend on the manufacturer of the modular kitchen. 

Some of the significant modular kitchen accessories

Modular kitchen accessories play a significant role in increasing the functionality and efficiency of the modular kitchen. All of these substantial kitchen accessories will be durable, resistant to rust, and manufactured in such materials that they will be resistant to termites also. 

Here we are mentioning some of the significant modular kitchen accessories. 

  • Cutlery Organiser

A cutlery organizer houses smaller items like forks, spoons, tongs, spatulas, and knives. This place is usually a built-in partition near the cooking hob, so it is easy to access whenever needed to prepare delicious dishes.

  • Tall Unit

Usually, one to two tall units can be visible in one modular kitchen. Corners are the perfect place to keep this tall unit, providing ample storage space. Usually, this fall unit is used for keeping dry groceries and non-perishable kitchen ingredients. Some keep heavy utensils too. You can choose from various designs of tall units to enhance the beauty of your kitchen. Some compact plans include a space that expands from the floor to the ceiling.

  • Kitchen Basket

A kitchen basket is also a must-have element for modular kitchens because it helps to organize utensils, pots, pans, and jars. Kitchen baskets are available in various shapes, sizes, and finishes. You can choose as per your requirement. 

  • Corner Solutions

Usually, the corners are tough to reach while needed. In that case, corner solutions will help you to use corners optimally. You can get corner solutions in the form of carousel units, L-shaped shelves, magic corners, and Lazy Susans. 

  • Bottle Pull Outs

This place is usually narrow, and two or three shelves are there. Though you may choose or customize as per your requirement. This place is used to keep cooking oil, bottles, juices, and different types of sauces. It would be best if you used this place to store all bottle-like items so that the aesthetic view does not get hurt.

  • Under-Sink Units

In traditional kitchen designs, the under-Sink area is entirely unused. But a modular kitchen makes the space used. This storage unit under the sink is helpful for keeping kitchen cleaning appliances. You can also keep a bin holder. 

  • Rolling Shutter

In a modular kitchen, a particular place will be used for rolling shutters where you can keep any kitchen appliances. This rolling shutter can be opened horizontally as well as vertically. 

  • Midway Systems

Usually, midway systems include hanging glass holders, hanging cups, and saucer holders. It can be used as a multipurpose hanging rack.

Apart from these significant elements, other elements are the kitchen chimney, cooktop, oven, refrigerator, dishwasher, sink, open base cabinet, warming drawer cabinet, pantry unit, kitchen trolley, etc. Some branded modular kitchen service providers will also help you change the kitchen’s wallpaper to match your modular kitchen’s vibe. Also, sometimes a lighting system can be changed per the requirement if you want to feel the vintage theme in your kitchen. 

Wrap up

Thank you! Day by day, many people are coming under this module kitchen trend so that the aesthetics meet in effortless harmony in the cookies laboratory. As we have shared all the benefits of having a modular kitchen in everyone’s house, now it is easy for you to settle down with the best version of a modular kitchen. A well-designed modular kitchen will provide you with the best functionality, design, and aesthetics of the space. We hope this article helped you a lot. Make sure to go through our other piece of articles.